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Returns basic information about the Rowset.



Table Information

Column NameTypeDescription
BACKEND_IDbigintThe ID of the Backend, which is a unique identifier for the Backend.
ROWSET_IDvarchar(64)The ID of the Rowset, which is a unique identifier for the Rowset.
TABLET_IDbigintThe ID of the Tablet, which is a unique identifier for the Tablet.
ROWSET_NUM_ROWSbigintThe number of data rows contained in the Rowset.
TXN_IDbigintThe transaction ID that wrote to the Rowset.
NUM_SEGMENTSbigintThe number of Segments contained in the Rowset.
START_VERSIONbigintThe starting version number of the Rowset.
END_VERSIONbigintThe ending version number of the Rowset.
INDEX_DISK_SIZEbigintThe storage space for indexes within the Rowset.
DATA_DISK_SIZEbigintThe storage space for data within the Rowset.
CREATION_TIMEdatetimeThe creation time of the Rowset.
NEWEST_WRITE_TIMESTAMPdatetimeThe most recent write time of the Rowset.
SCHEMA_VERSIONintThe Schema version number of the table corresponding to the Rowset data.