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Parses and obtains the integer (BIGINT) content of the specified path within the json string.


GET_JSON_BIGINT( <json_str>, <json_path>)

Required Parameters​

<json_str>The JSON string from which to extract data is needed.
<json_path>JSON path, specifying the location of the field. Paths can be denoted in dot notation.

Return Value​

  • Returns the BIGINT value of the field pointed to by the path.
  • Returns NULL if no corresponding field is found in the specified path, or the field value cannot be converted to type BIGINT.

Usage Notes​

Where <json_str> `must start with the $symbol and use. As a path splitter. If the path contains. , you can use double quotes to enclose it. Use [ ] to represent the array index, starting from 0. The content of path cannot contain ", [and]. Returns NULL if the <json_str>format is incorrect, or the <json_path>format is incorrect, or a match cannot be found. In addition, it is recommended to use the jsonb type and the jsonb_extract_XXX function to achieve the same functionality. Special circumstances will be handled as follows:

  • Returns <json_path>NULL if the specified field does not exist in JSON
  • If <json_path>the actual type of the specified field in JSON is inconsistent with the type specified by json_extract_t, the specified type t will be returned if it can be losslessly converted to the specified type, and NULL will be returned if it cannot.


  1. Get the value with key as "k1"
SELECT get_json_bigint('{"k1":1, "k2":"2"}', "$.k1");
| get_json_bigint('{"k1":1, "k2":"2"}', '$.k1') |
| 1 |
  1. Gets the second element in the array with key "my.key"
SELECT get_json_bigint('{"k1":"v1", "my.key":[1, 1678708107000, 3]}', '$. "my.key"[1]');
| get_json_bigint('{"k1":"v1", "my.key":[1, 1678708107000, 3]}', '$. "my.key"[1]') |
| 1678708107000 |
  1. Gets the first element in an array with secondary path k1.key -> k2
SELECT get_json_bigint('{"k1.key":{"k2":[1678708107000, 2]}}', '$. "k1.key".k2[0]');

| get_json_bigint('{"k1.key":{"k2":[1678708107000, 2]}}', '$."k1.key".k2[0]') |
| 1678708107000 |