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This statement is used to set properties of the specified catalog.


  1. Rename the catalog

    ALTER CATALOG <catalog_name> RENAME <new_catalog_name>;
  2. Modify / Add properties for the catalog

    ALTER CATALOG <catalog_name> SET PROPERTIES ('<key>' = '<value>' [, ... ]);  
  3. Modify comment for the catalog

    ALTER CATALOG <catalog_name> MODIFY COMMENT "<new catalog comment>";

Required Parameters

1. <catalog_name>

The name of the catalog that should be modified

2. <new_catalog_name>

New catalog name after modification

3. '<key>' = '<value>'

The key and value of the catalog properties that need to be modified / added

4. <new catalog comment>

Modified catalog comment

Access Control Requirements

ALTER_PRIVCatalogThe ALTER_PRIV of the catalog is required

Usage Notes

  1. Rename the catalog
  • The builtin catalog internal cannot be renamed
  • Only the one who has at least Alter privilege can rename a catalog
  • After renaming the catalog, use the REVOKE and GRANT commands to modify the appropriate user permissions
  1. Modify / Add properties for the catalog
  • property type cannot be modified.
  • properties of builtin catalog internal cannot be modified.
  • Update values of specified keys. If a key does not exist in the catalog properties, it will be added.
  1. Modify comment for the catalog
  • The builtin catalog internal cannot be modified


  1. rename catalog ctlg_hive to hive

    ALTER CATALOG ctlg_hive RENAME hive;
  2. modify property hive.metastore.uris of catalog hive

    ALTER CATALOG hive SET PROPERTIES ('hive.metastore.uris'='thrift://');
  3. modify comment of catalog hive

    ALTER CATALOG hive MODIFY COMMENT "new catalog comment";