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This statement is used to view the basic status information of BE nodes.



Return Value

BackendIdThe ID of the current BE.
HostThe IP address or host name of the current BE.
HeartbeatPortThe communication port of the heartbeat service of the current BE.
BePortThe thrift RPC communication port of the current BE.
HttpPortThe HTTP communication port of the current BE.
BrpcPortThe bRPC communication port of the current BE.
ArrowFlightSqlPortThe communication port of the ArrowFlight protocol of the current BE.
LastStartTimeThe timestamp when the current BE started.
LastHeartbeatThe timestamp of the last successful heartbeat sent by the current BE.
AliveWhether the current BE is alive.
SystemDecommissionedWhen this value is true, it means that the current BE node is in the process of safe decommissioning.
TabletNumThe number of tablets stored on the current BE.
DataUsedCapacityThe disk space occupied by the data of the current BE.
TrashUsedCapacityThe disk space occupied by the data in the trash of the current BE.
AvailCapacityThe available disk space of the current BE.
TotalCapacityThe total disk space of the current BE. TotalCapacity = AvailCapacity + TrashUsedCapacity + DataUsedCapacity + Disk space occupied by other non-user data files.
UsedPctThe percentage of the total used disk space of the current BE.
MaxDiskUsedPctThe maximum percentage of the used disk space among all disks of the current BE.
RemoteUsedCapacityThe disk space occupied by the data uploaded to the remote storage after the hot and cold tiering function is used by the current BE.
TagThe tag information of the current BE, displayed in JSON format. The saved tag information is different in different deployment modes. In the integrated storage and computing mode, the name of the current BE resource group is saved. In the decoupling storage and computing mode, some additional information is saved.
ErrMsgThe error message when the heartbeat of the current BE fails.
VersionThe version information of the current BE.
StatusSome status information of the current BE, displayed in JSON format, including: lastSuccessReportTabletsTime, lastStreamLoadTime, isQueryDisabled, isLoadDisabled, etc. It should be noted that the information saved in different versions may vary slightly.
HeartbeatFailureCounterThe number of consecutive failed heartbeats of the current BE. If the number exceeds the max_backend_heartbeat_failure_tolerance_count configured by the FE Master (the default value is 1), the Alive field will be set to false.
NodeRoleThe role of the current BE. There are two types: mix is the default role, and computation means that the current node is only used for federated analysis queries.

Access Control Requirements

The user who executes this SQL must have at least the following permissions:


Usage Notes

If further filtering of the query results is required, the table-valued function backends() can be used. SHOW BACKENDS is equivalent to the following statement:



| BackendId | Host | HeartbeatPort | BePort | HttpPort | BrpcPort | ArrowFlightSqlPort | LastStartTime | LastHeartbeat | Alive | SystemDecommissioned | TabletNum | DataUsedCapacity | TrashUsedCapacity | AvailCapacity | TotalCapacity | UsedPct | MaxDiskUsedPct | RemoteUsedCapacity | Tag | ErrMsg | Version | Status | HeartbeatFailureCounter | NodeRole |
| 10002 | | 9050 | 9060 | 8040 | 8060 | 10040 | 2025-01-20 02:11:39 | 2025-01-21 11:52:40 | true | false | 281 | 9.690 MB | 0.000 | 10.505 GB | 71.750 GB | 85.36 % | 85.36 % | 0.000 | {"location" : "default"} | | doris-2.1.7-rc03-443e87e203 | {"lastSuccessReportTabletsTime":"2025-01-21 11:51:59","lastStreamLoadTime":1737460114345,"isQueryDisabled":false,"isLoadDisabled":false} | 0 | mix |