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View all custom and system provided functions under the database.


SHOW [ FULL ] [ BUILTIN ] FUNCTIONS [ { IN | FROM } <db> ]  [ LIKE '<function_pattern>' ]

Varaint Syntax

SHOW GLOBAL [ FULL ] FUNCTIONS [ LIKE '<function_pattern>' ]

Required Parameters

1. <function_pattern>

Matching pattern rules used to filter function names

Optional Parameters


FULL is an optional parameter.

This parameter indicates the detailed information about the function.


BUILTIN is an optional parameter.

This parameter indicates that the functions provided by the system need to be displayed

3. <db>

db is an optional parameter.

This parameter indicates the query under the specified database

Return Value

SignatureFunction name and parameter type
Return TypeThe data type of the value returned by the function
Function TypeType of function
Intermediate TypeIntermediate result type
PropertiesDetailed properties of a function

Access Control Requirements

The user who executes this SQL command must have at least the following permissions:

SHOW_PRIVFunctionYou need to have the show permission on this function


show full functions in testDb
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Signature: my_add(INT,INT)
Return Type: INT
Function Type: Scalar
Intermediate Type: NULL
Properties: {"symbol":"_ZN9doris_udf6AddUdfEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValES4_","object_file":"http://host:port/","md5":"cfe7a362d10f3aaf6c49974ee0f1f878"}
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Signature: my_count(BIGINT)
Return Type: BIGINT
Function Type: Aggregate
Intermediate Type: NULL
Properties: {"object_file":"http://host:port/","finalize_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf13CountFinalizeEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_9BigIntValE","init_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf9CountInitEPNS_15FunctionContextEPNS_9BigIntValE","merge_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf10CountMergeEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_9BigIntValEPS2_","md5":"37d185f80f95569e2676da3d5b5b9d2f","update_fn":"_ZN9doris_udf11CountUpdateEPNS_15FunctionContextERKNS_6IntValEPNS_9BigIntValE"}
*************************** 3. row ***************************
Signature: id_masking(BIGINT)
Return Type: VARCHAR
Function Type: Alias
Intermediate Type: NULL
Properties: {"parameter":"id","origin_function":"concat(left(`id`, 3), `****`, right(`id`, 4))"}
show builtin functions in testDb like 'year%';
| Function Name |
| year |
| years_add |
| years_diff |
| years_sub |
show global full functions
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Signature: decimal(ALL, INT, INT)
Return Type: VARCHAR
Function Type: Alias
Intermediate Type: NULL
Properties: {"parameter":"col, precision, scale","origin_function":"CAST(`col` AS decimal(`precision`, `scale`))"}
*************************** 2. row ***************************
Signature: id_masking(BIGINT)
Return Type: VARCHAR
Function Type: Alias
Intermediate Type: NULL
Properties: {"parameter":"id","origin_function":"concat(left(`id`, 3), `****`, right(`id`, 4))"}
show global functions
| Function Name |
| decimal |
| id_masking |