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This statement is used to recover previously deleted databases, tables, or partitions.

It supports recovering specified metadata by name or ID and allows renaming the recovered metadata.


RECOVER { DATABASE <db_name> [<db_id>] [AS <new_db_name>] 
| TABLE [<db_name>.]<table_name> [<table_id>] [AS <new_table_name>]
| PARTITION <partition_name> [<partition_id>] FROM [<db_name>.]<table_name> [AS <new_partition_name>] }

Required Parameters

Recover a database

1. <db_name>

The name of the database to recover.

Recover a table

1. <table_name>

The name of the table to recover.

Recover a partition

1. <partition_name>

The name of the partition to recover.

2. <table_name>

The name of the table where the partition resides.

Optional Parameters

Recover a database

1. <db_id>

The ID of the database to recover.

2. <new_db_name>

The new name of the recovered database.

Recover a table

1. <db_name>

The name of the database where the table resides.

2. <table_id>

The ID of the table to recover.

3. <new_table_name>

The new name of the recovered table.

Recover a partition

1. <partition_id>

The ID of the partition to recover.

2. <db_name>

The name of the database where the table resides.

3. <new_partition_name>

The new name of the recovered partition.

Access Control Requirements


Usage Notes

  • This operation can only recover metadata deleted within a certain period. The default is 1 day (configurable via the catalog_trash_expire_second parameter in fe.conf).
  • If no ID is specified when recovering metadata, the last deleted metadata with the same name is recovered by default.
  • You can query the currently recoverable metadata using SHOW CATALOG RECYCLE BIN.


  1. Recover a database named example_db

    RECOVER DATABASE example_db;
  2. Recover a table named example_tbl

    RECOVER TABLE example_db.example_tbl;
  3. Recover a partition named p1 from the table example_tbl

    RECOVER PARTITION p1 FROM example_tbl;
  4. Recover a database with ID example_db_id and name example_db

    RECOVER DATABASE example_db example_db_id;
  5. Recover a table with ID example_tbl_id and name example_tbl

    RECOVER TABLE example_db.example_tbl example_tbl_id;
  6. Recover a partition with ID p1_id and name p1 from the table example_tbl

    RECOVER PARTITION p1 p1_id FROM example_tbl;
  7. Recover a database with ID example_db_id and name example_db, and rename it to new_example_db

    RECOVER DATABASE example_db example_db_id AS new_example_db;
  8. Recover a table named example_tbl and rename it to new_example_tbl

    RECOVER TABLE example_db.example_tbl AS new_example_tbl;
  9. Recover a partition with ID p1_id and name p1 from the table example_tbl, and rename it to new_p1

    RECOVER PARTITION p1 p1_id AS new_p1 FROM example_tbl;