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Used to switch to the specified database or compute group.


USE { [<catalog_name>.]<database_name>[@<compute_group_name>] | @<compute_group_name> }

Required Parameters

Switch to the specified database.

1. <database_name>

The name of the database to switch to. If no catalog is specified, the current catalog is used by default.

Switch to the specified compute group only.

1. <compute_group_name>

The name of the compute group to switch to.

Optional Parameters

Switch to the specified database.

1. <catalog_name>

The name of the catalog to switch to.

2. <compute_group_name>

The name of the compute group to switch to.

Access Control Requirements

SELECT_PRIVCatalog, DatabaseSELECT_PRIV privilege is required on the catalog or database to switch to.
USAGE_PRIVCompute GroupUSAGE_PRIV privilege is required on the compute group to switch to.


  1. If the demo database exists, try to use it:

    use demo;
  2. If the demo database exists under the hms_catalog catalog, try to switch to hms_catalog and use it:

    use hms_catalog.demo;
  3. If the demo database exists in the current catalog and you want to use the compute group named 'cg1', try to access it:

    use demo@cg1;
  4. If you only want to use the compute group named 'cg1', try to access it:

    use @cg1;