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This statement is used to display information about indexes in a table. Currently, only bitmap indexes are supported.


SHOW INDEX [ ES ] FROM [ <db_name>. ] <table_name> [ FROM <db_name> ];

Varaint Syntax

SHOW KEY[ S ] FROM [ <db_name>. ] <table_name> [ FROM <db_name> ];

Required Parameters

1. <table_name>: The name of the table to which the index belongs.

Optional Parameters

1. <db_name>: The database name, optional. If not specified, the current database is used by default.

Return Value

Column NameTypeDescription
TablestringThe name of the table where the index is located.
Non_uniqueintIndicates whether the index is unique:
- 0: Unique index
- 1: Non-unique index
Key_namestringThe name of the index.
Seq_in_indexintThe position of the column in the index. This column shows the order of the column in the index, used when multiple columns form a composite index.
Column_namestringThe name of the indexed column.
CollationstringThe sorting order of the index column:
- A: Ascending
- D: Descending.
CardinalityintThe number of unique values in the index. This value is used to estimate query efficiency; the higher the value, the higher the index selectivity and query efficiency.
Sub_partintThe prefix length used by the index. If the index column is a string type, Sub_part represents the length of the first few characters of the index.
PackedstringWhether the index is compressed.
NullstringWhether NULL values are allowed:
- YES: NULL values allowed
- NO: NULL values not allowed
Index_typestringThe type of index:
- BTREE: B+ tree index (default type in MySQL)
- HASH: Hash index
- RTREE: R-tree index
- INVERTED: Inverted index (e.g., full-text index)
CommentstringThe comment or description of the index, typically custom remarks.
PropertiesstringAdditional properties of the index.

Access Control Requirements

The user executing this SQL command must have at least the following privileges:



  • Display indexes for a specified table_name

     SHOW INDEX FROM example_db.table_name;