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Quick Start

1. Open the binlog configuration for the source and target clusters​

Configure the following information in the fe.conf and be.conf of both the source and target clusters:


2. Deploy Syncer​

2.1. Download the latest package from the following link:

2.2. Start and stop Syncer

# Start
cd bin && sh --daemon
# Stop

Step 3. Open the Binlog for the synchronized database/table in the source cluster​

-- If synchronizing the entire database, execute the following script to enable binlog for all tables in that database
./ --host $host --port $port --user $user --password $password --db $db

-- If synchronizing a single table, only enable the binlog for that table by executing:
ALTER TABLE your_table_name ENABLE BINLOG SET ("binlog.enable" = "true");

Step 4. Initiate a synchronization job in Syncer​

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "ccr_test",
"src": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "9030",
"thrift_port": "9020",
"user": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "your_db_name",
"table": "your_table_name"
"dest": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "9030",
"thrift_port": "9020",
"user": "root",
"password": "",
"database": "your_db_name",
"table": "your_table_name"

Explanation of the parameters for the synchronization job:

name: The name of the CCR synchronization job, must be unique
host, port: Correspond to the host and MySQL (JDBC) port of the cluster Master FE
user, password: The identity used by Syncer to start transactions and pull data
database, table:
If synchronizing at the database level, fill in your_db_name, and leave your_table_name empty
If synchronizing at the table level, fill in both your_db_name and your_table_name
The name used to initiate the synchronization job can only be used once