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Stores all table information.



Table Information

Column NameTypeDescription
TABLE_CATALOGvarchar(512)The Catalog to which the table belongs
TABLE_SCHEMAvarchar(64)The Database to which the table belongs
TABLE_NAMEvarchar(64)The name of the table
TABLE_TYPEvarchar(64)The type of the table, including: SYSTEM VIEW, VIEW, BASE TABLE
ENGINEvarchar(64)The storage engine type of the table
VERSIONbigintInvalid value
ROW_FORMATvarchar(10)Invalid value
TABLE_ROWSbigintEstimated number of rows in the table
AVG_ROW_LENGTHbigintAverage row size of the table
DATA_LENGTHbigintEstimated size of the table
MAX_DATA_LENGTHbigintInvalid value
INDEX_LENGTHbigintInvalid value
DATA_FREEbigintInvalid value
AUTO_INCREMENTbigintInvalid value
CREATE_TIMEdatetimeThe time when the table was created
UPDATE_TIMEdatetimeThe time when the table data was last updated
CHECK_TIMEdatetimeInvalid value
TABLE_COLLATIONvarchar(32)Fixed value: utf-8
CHECKSUMbigintInvalid value
CREATE_OPTIONSvarchar(255)Invalid value
TABLE_COMMENTvarchar(2048)Comments on the table