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Records the configuration information of Workload Groups.



Table Information

Column NameTypeDescription
IDbigintID of the Workload Group
NAMEvarchar(256)Name of the Workload Group
CPU_SHAREbigintSoft limit weight for CPU of the Workload Group
MEMORY_LIMITvarchar(256)Memory limit for the Workload Group
ENABLE_MEMORY_OVERCOMMITvarchar(256)Whether to enable soft limit for memory of the Workload Group
MAX_CONCURRENCYbigintMaximum concurrency for the Workload Group
MAX_QUEUE_SIZEbigintMaximum queue size for the Workload Group
QUEUE_TIMEOUTbigintQueue timeout for the Workload Group
CPU_HARD_LIMITvarchar(256)Hard limit size for CPU of the Workload Group
SCAN_THREAD_NUMbigintNumber of threads for local scan
MAX_REMOTE_SCAN_THREAD_NUMbigintMaximum number of threads in the remote scan thread pool
MIN_REMOTE_SCAN_THREAD_NUMbigintMinimum number of threads in the remote scan thread pool
SPILL_THRESHOLD_LOW_WATERMARKvarchar(256)Low watermark for disk spill of the Workload Group
SPILL_THRESHOLD_HIGH_WATERMARKvarchar(256)High watermark for disk spill of the Workload Group
TAGvarchar(256)Tag for the Workload Group
READ_BYTES_PER_SECONDbigintBytes scanned per second for local reads
REMOTE_READ_BYTES_PER_SECONDbigintBytes scanned per second for remote reads