The Flink Doris Connector is used to read from and write data to a Doris cluster through Flink. It also integrates FlinkCDC, which allows for more convenient full database synchronization with upstream databases such as MySQL.
This document primarily introduces the usage of the Flink Doris Connector.
Version Description
Connector Version | Flink Version | Doris Version | Java Version | Scala Version |
1.0.3 | 1.11,1.12,1.13,1.14 | 0.15+ | 8 | 2.11,2.12 |
1.1.1 | 1.14 | 1.0+ | 8 | 2.11,2.12 |
1.2.1 | 1.15 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
1.3.0 | 1.16 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
1.4.0 | 1.15,1.16,1.17 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
1.5.2 | 1.15,1.16,1.17,1.18 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
1.6.1 | 1.15,1.16,1.17,1.18,1.19 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
24.0.1 | 1.15,1.16,1.17,1.18,1.19,1.20 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
24.1.0 | 1.15,1.16,1.17,1.18,1.19,1.20 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
25.0.0 | 1.15,1.16,1.17,1.18,1.19,1.20 | 1.0+ | 8 | - |
The Flink Doris Connector can be used in two ways: via Jar or Maven.
You can download the corresponding version of the Flink Doris Connector Jar file here, then copy this file to the classpath
of your Flink
setup to use the Flink-Doris-Connector
. For a Standalone
mode Flink deployment, place this file under the lib/
folder. For a Flink cluster running in Yarn
mode, place the file into the pre-deployment package.
To use it with Maven, simply add the following dependency to your Pom file:
Quick Startβ
Flink Cluster Deploymentβ
Taking a Standalone cluster as an example:
- Download the Flink installation package, e.g., Flink 1.18.1;
- After extraction, place the Flink Doris Connector package in
; - Navigate to the
directory and runbin/start-cluster.sh
to start the Flink cluster; - You can verify if the Flink cluster started successfully using the
Initialize Doris Tablesβ
Run the following statements to create Doris tables:
CREATE TABLE test.student (
`id` INT,
`name` VARCHAR(256),
`age` INT
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 3"
INSERT INTO test.student values(1,"James",18);
INSERT INTO test.student values(2,"Emily",28);
CREATE TABLE test.student_trans (
`id` INT,
`name` VARCHAR(256),
`age` INT
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 3"
Run FlinkSQL Taskβ
Start FlinkSQL Client
Run FlinkSQL
name STRING,
age INT
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'test.student',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = ''
CREATE TABLE StudentTrans (
name STRING,
age INT
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'test.student_trans',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = '',
'sink.label-prefix' = 'doris_label'
INSERT INTO StudentTrans SELECT id, concat('prefix_',name), age+1 FROM Student;
Query Dataβ
mysql> select * from test.student_trans;
| id | name | age |
| 1 | prefix_James | 19 |
| 2 | prefix_Emily | 29 |
2 rows in set (0.02 sec)
Scenarios and Operationsβ
Reading Data from Dorisβ
When Flink reads data from Doris, currently the Doris Source is a bounded stream and does not support continuous reading in CDC mode. You can read data from Doris using Thrift or ArrowFlightSQL (supported from version 24.0.0 onwards):
- Thrift: Data is read by calling the BE's Thrift interface. For detailed steps, refer to Reading Data via Thrift Interface.
- ArrowFlightSQL: Based on Doris 2.1, this method allows high-speed reading of large volumes of data using the Arrow Flight SQL protocol. For more information, refer to High-speed Data Transfer via Arrow Flight SQL.
Using FlinkSQL to Read Dataβ
Thrift Methodβ
CREATE TABLE students (
id INT,
name STRING,
age INT
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '', -- Feηhost:HttpPort
'table.identifier' = 'test.students',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = ''
SELECT * FROM students;
CREATE TABLE students (
id INT,
name STRING,
age INT
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '{fe.conf:http_port}',
'table.identifier' = 'test.students',
'source.use-flight-sql' = 'true',
'source.flight-sql-port' = '{fe.conf:arrow_flight_sql_port}',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = ''
SELECT * FROM students;
Using DataStream API to Read Dataβ
When using the DataStream API to read data, you need to include the dependencies in your program's POM file in advance, as described in the "Usage" section.
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DorisOptions option = DorisOptions.builder()
DorisReadOptions readOptions = DorisReadOptions.builder().build();
DorisSource<List<?>> dorisSource = DorisSource.<List<?>>builder()
.setDeserializer(new SimpleListDeserializationSchema())
env.fromSource(dorisSource, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "doris source").print();
env.execute("Doris Source Test");
For the complete code, refer to:DorisSourceDataStream.java
Writing Data to Dorisβ
Flink writes data to Doris using the Stream Load method, supporting both streaming and batch-insertion modes.
Starting from Connector 1.5.0, batch-insertion is supported. Batch-insertion does not rely on Checkpoints; it buffers data in memory and controls the writing timing based on batch parameters. Streaming insertion requires Checkpoints to be enabled, continuously writing upstream data to Doris during the entire Checkpoint period, without keeping data in memory continuously.
Using FlinkSQL to Write Dataβ
For testing, Flink's Datagen is used to simulate the continuously generated upstream data.
-- enable checkpoint
SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '30s';
CREATE TABLE student_source (
id INT,
name STRING,
age INT
) WITH (
'connector' = 'datagen',
'rows-per-second' = '1',
'fields.name.length' = '20',
'fields.id.min' = '1',
'fields.id.max' = '100000',
'fields.age.min' = '3',
'fields.age.max' = '30'
-- doris sink
CREATE TABLE student_sink (
id INT,
name STRING,
age INT
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'test.students',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = 'password',
'sink.label-prefix' = 'doris_label'
--'sink.enable.batch-mode' = 'true' Adding this configuration enables batch writing
INSERT INTO student_sink SELECT * FROM student_source;
Using DataStream API to Write Dataβ
When using the DataStream API to write data, different serialization methods can be used to serialize the upstream data before writing it to the Doris table.
Standard String Formatβ
When the upstream data is in CSV or JSON format, you can directly use the SimpleStringSerializer
to serialize the data.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DorisSink.Builder<String> builder = DorisSink.builder();
DorisOptions dorisOptions = DorisOptions.builder()
Properties properties = new Properties();
// When the upstream data is in json format, the following configuration needs to be enabled
properties.setProperty("read_json_by_line", "true");
properties.setProperty("format", "json");
// When writing csv data from the upstream, the following configurations need to be enabled
//properties.setProperty("format", "csv");
//properties.setProperty("column_separator", ",");
DorisExecutionOptions executionOptions = DorisExecutionOptions.builder()
//.setBatchMode(true) Enable batch writing
.setSerializer(new SimpleStringSerializer())
List<String> data = new ArrayList<>();
env.execute("doris test");
For the complete code, refer to:DorisSinkExample.java
RowData Formatβ
RowData is the internal format of Flink. If the upstream data is in RowData format, you need to use the RowDataSerializer
to serialize the data.
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DorisSink.Builder<RowData> builder = DorisSink.builder();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("column_separator", ",");
properties.setProperty("line_delimiter", "\n");
properties.setProperty("format", "csv");
// When writing json data from the upstream, the following configuration needs to be enabled
// properties.setProperty("read_json_by_line", "true");
// properties.setProperty("format", "json");
DorisOptions.Builder dorisBuilder = DorisOptions.builder();
DorisExecutionOptions.Builder executionBuilder = DorisExecutionOptions.builder();
// flink rowdataβs schema
String[] fields = {"id","name", "age"};
DataType[] types = {DataTypes.INT(), DataTypes.VARCHAR(256), DataTypes.INT()};
RowDataSerializer.builder() // serialize according to rowdata
// mock rowdata source
DataStream<RowData> source =
new FlatMapFunction<String, RowData>() {
public void flatMap(String s, Collector<RowData> out)
throws Exception {
GenericRowData genericRowData = new GenericRowData(3);
genericRowData.setField(0, 1);
genericRowData.setField(1, StringData.fromString("Michael"));
genericRowData.setField(2, 18);
GenericRowData genericRowData2 = new GenericRowData(3);
genericRowData2.setField(0, 2);
genericRowData2.setField(1, StringData.fromString("David"));
genericRowData2.setField(2, 38);
env.execute("doris test");
For the complete code, refer to:DorisSinkExampleRowData.java
Debezium Formatβ
For upstream data in Debezium format, such as data from FlinkCDC or Debezium format in Kafka, you can use the JsonDebeziumSchemaSerializer
to serialize the data.
// enable checkpoint
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("format", "json");
props.setProperty("read_json_by_line", "true");
DorisOptions dorisOptions = DorisOptions.builder()
DorisExecutionOptions.Builder executionBuilder = DorisExecutionOptions.builder();
DorisSink.Builder<String> builder = DorisSink.builder();
env.fromSource(mySqlSource, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks(), "MySQL Source")
For the complete code, refer to:CDCSchemaChangeExample.java
Multi-table Write Formatβ
Currently, DorisSink supports synchronizing multiple tables with a single Sink. You need to pass both the data and the database/table information to the Sink, and serialize it using the RecordWithMetaSerializer
StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
DorisSink.Builder<RecordWithMeta> builder = DorisSink.builder();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("column_separator", ",");
properties.setProperty("line_delimiter", "\n");
properties.setProperty("format", "csv");
DorisOptions.Builder dorisBuilder = DorisOptions.builder();
DorisExecutionOptions.Builder executionBuilder = DorisExecutionOptions.builder();
.setSerializer(new RecordWithMetaSerializer());
RecordWithMeta record = new RecordWithMeta("test", "student_1", "1,David,18");
RecordWithMeta record1 = new RecordWithMeta("test", "student_2", "1,Jack,28");
env.fromCollection(Arrays.asList(record, record1)).sinkTo(builder.build());
For the complete code, refer to:DorisSinkMultiTableExample.java
Lookup Joinβ
In scenarios where dimension tables are stored in Doris, you can use Flink's Lookup Join to perform a join between real-time stream data and the dimension tables in Doris.
CREATE TABLE fact_table (
`id` BIGINT,
`name` STRING,
`city` STRING,
`process_time` as proctime()
) WITH (
'connector' = 'kafka',
create table dim_city(
`city` STRING,
`level` INT ,
`province` STRING,
`country` STRING
) WITH (
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'jdbc-url' = 'jdbc:mysql://',
'table.identifier' = 'dim.dim_city',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = ''
SELECT a.id, a.name, a.city, c.province, c.country,c.level
FROM fact_table a
LEFT JOIN dim_city FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF a.process_time AS c
ON a.city = c.city
Full Database Synchronizationβ
The Flink Doris Connector integrates Flink CDC (Flink CDC Documentation), making it easier to synchronize relational databases like MySQL to Doris. This integration also includes automatic table creation, schema changes, etc. Supported databases for synchronization include: MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, MongoDB, and DB2.
- When using full database synchronization, you need to add the corresponding Flink CDC dependencies in the
directory, such as flink-sql-connector-mysql-cdc-${version}.jar, flink-sql-connector-oracle-cdc-${version}.jar. FlinkCDC version 3.1 and later is not compatible with previous versions. You can download the dependencies from the following links: FlinkCDC 3.x, FlinkCDC 2.x. - For versions after Connector 24.0.0, the required Flink CDC version must be 3.1 or higher. You can download it here. If Flink CDC is used to synchronize MySQL and Oracle, you must also add the relevant JDBC drivers under
MySQL Whole Database Synchronizationβ
After starting the Flink cluster, you can directly run the following command:
<FLINK_HOME>bin/flink run \
-Dexecution.checkpointing.interval=10s \
-Dparallelism.default=1 \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
lib/flink-doris-connector-1.16-24.0.1.jar \
mysql-sync-database \
--database test_db \
--mysql-conf hostname= \
--mysql-conf port=3306 \
--mysql-conf username=root \
--mysql-conf password=123456 \
--mysql-conf database-name=mysql_db \
--including-tables "tbl1|test.*" \
--sink-conf fenodes= \
--sink-conf username=root \
--sink-conf password=123456 \
--sink-conf jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
--sink-conf sink.label-prefix=label \
--table-conf replication_num=1
Oracle Whole Database Synchronizationβ
<FLINK_HOME>bin/flink run \
-Dexecution.checkpointing.interval=10s \
-Dparallelism.default=1 \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
./lib/flink-doris-connector-1.16-24.0.1.jar \
oracle-sync-database \
--database test_db \
--oracle-conf hostname= \
--oracle-conf port=1521 \
--oracle-conf username=admin \
--oracle-conf password="password" \
--oracle-conf database-name=XE \
--oracle-conf schema-name=ADMIN \
--including-tables "tbl1|tbl2" \
--sink-conf fenodes= \
--sink-conf username=root \
--sink-conf password=\
--sink-conf jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
--sink-conf sink.label-prefix=label \
--table-conf replication_num=1
PostgreSQL Whole Database Synchronizationβ
<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
-Dexecution.checkpointing.interval=10s \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
./lib/flink-doris-connector-1.16-24.0.1.jar \
postgres-sync-database \
--database db1\
--postgres-conf hostname= \
--postgres-conf port=5432 \
--postgres-conf username=postgres \
--postgres-conf password="123456" \
--postgres-conf database-name=postgres \
--postgres-conf schema-name=public \
--postgres-conf slot.name=test \
--postgres-conf decoding.plugin.name=pgoutput \
--including-tables "tbl1|tbl2" \
--sink-conf fenodes= \
--sink-conf username=root \
--sink-conf password=\
--sink-conf jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
--sink-conf sink.label-prefix=label \
--table-conf replication_num=1
SQLServer Whole Database Synchronizationβ
<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
-Dexecution.checkpointing.interval=10s \
-Dparallelism.default=1 \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
./lib/flink-doris-connector-1.16-24.0.1.jar \
sqlserver-sync-database \
--database db1\
--sqlserver-conf hostname= \
--sqlserver-conf port=1433 \
--sqlserver-conf username=sa \
--sqlserver-conf password="123456" \
--sqlserver-conf database-name=CDC_DB \
--sqlserver-conf schema-name=dbo \
--including-tables "tbl1|tbl2" \
--sink-conf fenodes= \
--sink-conf username=root \
--sink-conf password=\
--sink-conf jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
--sink-conf sink.label-prefix=label \
--table-conf replication_num=1
DB2 Whole Database Synchronizationβ
<FLINK_HOME>bin/flink run \
-Dexecution.checkpointing.interval=10s \
-Dparallelism.default=1 \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
lib/flink-doris-connector-1.16-24.0.1.jar \
db2-sync-database \
--database db2_test \
--db2-conf hostname= \
--db2-conf port=50000 \
--db2-conf username=db2inst1 \
--db2-conf password=doris123456 \
--db2-conf database-name=testdb \
--db2-conf schema-name=DB2INST1 \
--including-tables "FULL_TYPES|CUSTOMERS" \
--single-sink true \
--use-new-schema-change true \
--sink-conf fenodes= \
--sink-conf username=root \
--sink-conf password=123456 \
--sink-conf jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
--sink-conf sink.label-prefix=label \
--table-conf replication_num=1
MongoDB Whole Database Synchronizationβ
<FLINK_HOME>/bin/flink run \
-Dexecution.checkpointing.interval=10s \
-Dparallelism.default=1 \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
./lib/flink-doris-connector-1.18-24.0.1.jar \
mongodb-sync-database \
--database doris_db \
--schema-change-mode debezium_structure \
--mongodb-conf hosts= \
--mongodb-conf username=flinkuser \
--mongodb-conf password=flinkpwd \
--mongodb-conf database=test \
--mongodb-conf scan.startup.mode=initial \
--mongodb-conf schema.sample-percent=0.2 \
--including-tables "tbl1|tbl2" \
--sink-conf fenodes= \
--sink-conf username=root \
--sink-conf password= \
--sink-conf jdbc-url=jdbc:mysql:// \
--sink-conf sink.label-prefix=label \
--sink-conf sink.enable-2pc=false \
--table-conf replication_num=1
Usage Instructionsβ
Parameter Configurationβ
General Configuration Itemsβ
Key | Default Value | Required | Comment |
fenodes | -- | Y | Doris FE http addresses. Multiple addresses are supported and should be separated by commas. |
benodes | -- | N | Doris BE http addresses. Multiple addresses are supported and should be separated by commas. Refer to #187. |
jdbc-url | -- | N | JDBC connection information, such as jdbc:mysql:// |
table.identifier | -- | Y | Doris table name, such as db.tbl. |
username | -- | Y | Username for accessing Doris. |
password | -- | Y | Password for accessing Doris. |
auto-redirect | TRUE | N | Whether to redirect StreamLoad requests. After enabling, StreamLoad will write through FE and will no longer explicitly obtain BE information. |
doris.request.retries | 3 | N | The number of retries for sending requests to Doris. |
doris.request.connect.timeout | 30s | N | The connection timeout for sending requests to Doris. |
doris.request.read.timeout | 30s | N | The read timeout for sending requests to Doris. |
Source Configurationβ
Key | Default Value | Required | Comment |
doris.request.query.timeout | 21600s | N | The timeout for querying Doris. The default value is 6 hours. |
doris.request.tablet.size | 1 | N | The number of Doris Tablets corresponding to one Partition. The smaller this value is set, the more Partitions will be generated, which can increase the parallelism on the Flink side. However, it will also put more pressure on Doris. |
doris.batch.size | 1024 | N | The maximum number of rows read from BE at one time. Increasing this value can reduce the number of connections established between Flink and Doris, thereby reducing the additional time overhead caused by network latency. |
doris.exec.mem.limit | 8192mb | N | The memory limit for a single query. The default is 8GB, in bytes. |
doris.deserialize.arrow.async | FALSE | N | Whether to support asynchronous conversion of Arrow format to the RowBatch required by the flink-doris-connector iteration. |
doris.deserialize.queue.size | 64 | N | The internal processing queue for asynchronous conversion of the Arrow format. It takes effect when doris.deserialize.arrow.async is set to true. |
source.use-flight-sql | FALSE | N | Whether to use Arrow Flight SQL for reading. |
source.flight-sql-port | - | N | The arrow_flight_sql_port of FE when using Arrow Flight SQL for reading. |
DataStream-Specific Configuration
Key | Default Value | Required | Comment |
doris.read.field | -- | N | The list of column names for reading Doris tables. Multiple columns should be separated by commas. |
doris.filter.query | -- | N | The expression for filtering read data. This expression is passed to Doris. Doris uses this expression to complete source data filtering. For example, age=18. |
Sink Configurationβ
Key | Default Value | Required | Comment |
sink.label-prefix | -- | Y | The label prefix used for Stream load import. In the 2pc scenario, it is required to be globally unique to ensure the EOS semantics of Flink. |
sink.properties.* | -- | N | Import parameters for Stream Load. For example, 'sink.properties.column_separator' = ', ' defines the column separator, and 'sink.properties.escape_delimiters' = 'true' means that special characters as delimiters, like \x01, will be converted to binary 0x01. For JSON format import, 'sink.properties.format' = 'json', 'sink.properties.read_json_by_line' = 'true'. For detailed parameters, refer to here. For Group Commit mode, for example, 'sink.properties.group_commit' = 'sync_mode' sets the group commit to synchronous mode. The Flink connector has supported import configuration group commit since version 1.6.2. For detailed usage and limitations, refer to group commit. |
sink.enable-delete | TRUE | N | Whether to enable deletion. This option requires the Doris table to have the batch deletion feature enabled (enabled by default in Doris 0.15+ versions), and only supports the Unique model. |
sink.enable-2pc | TRUE | N | Whether to enable two-phase commit (2pc). The default is true, ensuring Exactly-Once semantics. For details about two-phase commit, refer to here. |
sink.buffer-size | 1MB | N | The size of the write data cache buffer, in bytes. It is not recommended to modify it, and the default configuration can be used. |
sink.buffer-count | 3 | N | The number of write data cache buffers. It is not recommended to modify it, and the default configuration can be used. |
sink.max-retries | 3 | N | The maximum number of retries after a Commit failure. The default is 3 times. |
sink.enable.batch-mode | FALSE | N | Whether to use the batch mode to write to Doris. After enabling, the writing timing does not rely on Checkpoint, and it is controlled by parameters such as sink.buffer-flush.max-rows, sink.buffer-flush.max-bytes, and sink.buffer-flush.interval. Meanwhile, after enabling, Exactly-once semantics will not be guaranteed, but idempotency can be achieved with the help of the Uniq model. |
sink.flush.queue-size | 2 | N | The size of the cache queue in batch mode. |
sink.buffer-flush.max-rows | 500000 | N | The maximum number of rows written in a single batch in batch mode. |
sink.buffer-flush.max-bytes | 100MB | N | The maximum number of bytes written in a single batch in batch mode. |
sink.buffer-flush.interval | 10s | N | The interval for asynchronously flushing the cache in batch mode. |
sink.ignore.update-before | TRUE | N | Whether to ignore the update-before event. The default is to ignore it. |
Lookup Join Configurationβ
Key | Default Value | Required | Comment |
lookup.cache.max-rows | -1 | N | The maximum number of rows in the lookup cache. The default value is -1, which means the cache is not enabled. |
lookup.cache.ttl | 10s | N | The maximum time for the lookup cache. The default is 10 seconds. |
lookup.max-retries | 1 | N | The number of retries after a lookup query fails. |
lookup.jdbc.async | FALSE | N | Whether to enable asynchronous lookup. The default is false. |
lookup.jdbc.read.batch.size | 128 | N | The maximum batch size for each query in asynchronous lookup. |
lookup.jdbc.read.batch.queue-size | 256 | N | The size of the intermediate buffer queue during asynchronous lookup. |
lookup.jdbc.read.thread-size | 3 | N | The number of jdbc threads for lookup in each task. |
Full Database Synchronization Configurationβ
<FLINK_HOME>bin/flink run \
-c org.apache.doris.flink.tools.cdc.CdcTools \
lib/flink-doris-connector-1.16-1.6.1.jar \
<mysql-sync-database|oracle-sync-database|postgres-sync-database|sqlserver-sync-database|mongodb-sync-database> \
--database <doris-database-name> \
[--job-name <flink-job-name>] \
[--table-prefix <doris-table-prefix>] \
[--table-suffix <doris-table-suffix>] \
[--including-tables <mysql-table-name|name-regular-expr>] \
[--excluding-tables <mysql-table-name|name-regular-expr>] \
--mysql-conf <mysql-cdc-source-conf> [--mysql-conf <mysql-cdc-source-conf> ...] \
--oracle-conf <oracle-cdc-source-conf> [--oracle-conf <oracle-cdc-source-conf> ...] \
--postgres-conf <postgres-cdc-source-conf> [--postgres-conf <postgres-cdc-source-conf> ...] \
--sqlserver-conf <sqlserver-cdc-source-conf> [--sqlserver-conf <sqlserver-cdc-source-conf> ...] \
--sink-conf <doris-sink-conf> [--table-conf <doris-sink-conf> ...] \
[--table-conf <doris-table-conf> [--table-conf <doris-table-conf> ...]]
Key | Comment |
--job-name | The name of the Flink task, which is optional. |
--database | The name of the database synchronized to Doris. |
--table-prefix | The prefix name of the Doris table, for example, --table-prefix ods_. |
--table-suffix | The suffix name of the Doris table, similar to the prefix. |
--including-tables | The MySQL tables that need to be synchronized. Multiple tables can be separated by |, and regular expressions are supported. For example, --including-tables table1. |
--excluding-tables | The tables that do not need to be synchronized. The usage is the same as that of --including-tables. |
--mysql-conf | The configuration of the MySQL CDCSource, for example, --mysql-conf hostname= You can view all the configurations of MySQL-CDC here. Among them, hostname, username, password, and database-name are required. When the synchronized database and table contain non-primary key tables, scan.incremental.snapshot.chunk.key-column must be set, and only one non-null type field can be selected. For example: scan.incremental.snapshot.chunk.key-column=database.table:column,database.table1:column..., and columns of different databases and tables are separated by commas. |
--oracle-conf | The configuration of the Oracle CDCSource, for example, --oracle-conf hostname= You can view all the configurations of Oracle-CDC here. Among them, hostname, username, password, database-name, and schema-name are required. |
--postgres-conf | The configuration of the Postgres CDCSource, for example, --postgres-conf hostname= You can view all the configurations of Postgres-CDC here. Among them, hostname, username, password, database-name, schema-name, and slot.name are required. |
--sqlserver-conf | The configuration of the SQLServer CDCSource, for example, --sqlserver-conf hostname= You can view all the configurations of SQLServer-CDC here. Among them, hostname, username, password, database-name, and schema-name are required. |
--db2-conf | The configuration of the SQLServer CDCSource, for example, --db2-conf hostname= You can view all the configurations of DB2-CDC here. Among them, hostname, username, password, database-name, and schema-name are required. |
--sink-conf | All the configurations of the Doris Sink can be viewed [here](https://doris.apache.org/zh-CN/docs/dev/ecosystem/flink-doris-connector/#General Configuration Items). |
--mongodb-conf | The configuration of the MongoDB CDCSource, for example, --mongodb-conf hosts= You can view all the configurations of Mongo-CDC here. Among them, hosts, username, password, and database are required. --mongodb-conf schema.sample-percent is the configuration for automatically sampling MongoDB data to create tables in Doris, and the default value is 0.2. |
--table-conf | The configuration items of the Doris table, that is, the content included in properties (except for table-buckets, which is not a properties attribute). For example, --table-conf replication_num=1, and --table-conf table-buckets="tbl1:10,tbl2:20,a.:30,b.:40,.*:50" means specifying the number of buckets for different tables in the order of regular expressions. If there is no match, the BUCKETS AUTO method will be used to create tables. |
--ignore-default-value | Disable the default values of the MySQL table structure when synchronizing. It is applicable to the situation where there are default values for fields when synchronizing MySQL data to Doris, but the actual inserted data is null. Refer to #152. |
--use-new-schema-change | Whether to use the new schema change, which supports multi-column changes and default values in MySQL synchronization. Since version 1.6.0, this parameter is set to true by default. Refer to #167. |
--schema-change-mode | The modes for parsing schema change, including debezium_structure and sql_parser. The debezium_structure mode is used by default. The debezium_structure mode parses the data structure used when the upstream CDC synchronizes data and judges DDL change operations by parsing this structure. The sql_parser mode parses the DDL statements when the upstream CDC synchronizes data to judge DDL change operations, so this parsing mode is more accurate. Usage example: --schema-change-mode debezium_structure. This function will be available in versions after |
--single-sink | Whether to use a single Sink to synchronize all tables. After enabling, it can also automatically identify newly created tables upstream and create tables automatically. |
--multi-to-one-origin | The configuration of the source tables when multiple upstream tables are written to the same table, for example: --multi-to-one-origin "a_.*|b_.*", refer to #208 |
--multi-to-one-target | Used in combination with multi-to-one-origin, the configuration of the target table, for example: --multi-to-one-target "a|b" |
--create-table-only | Whether to only synchronize the structure of the table. |
Type Mappingβ
Doris Type | Flink Type |
Monitoring Metricsβ
Flink provides multiple Metrics for monitoring the indicators of the Flink cluster. The following are the newly added monitoring metrics for the Flink Doris Connector.
Name | Metric Type | Description |
totalFlushLoadBytes | Counter | The total number of bytes that have been flushed and imported. |
flushTotalNumberRows | Counter | The total number of rows that have been imported and processed. |
totalFlushLoadedRows | Counter | The total number of rows that have been successfully imported. |
totalFlushTimeMs | Counter | The total time taken for successful imports to complete. |
totalFlushSucceededNumber | Counter | The number of times that imports have been successfully completed. |
totalFlushFailedNumber | Counter | The number of times that imports have failed. |
totalFlushFilteredRows | Counter | The total number of rows with unqualified data quality. |
totalFlushUnselectedRows | Counter | The total number of rows filtered by the where condition. |
beginTxnTimeMs | Histogram | The time taken to request the Fe to start a transaction, in milliseconds. |
putDataTimeMs | Histogram | The time taken to request the Fe to obtain the import data execution plan. |
readDataTimeMs | Histogram | The time taken to read data. |
writeDataTimeMs | Histogram | The time taken to execute the write data operation. |
commitAndPublishTimeMs | Histogram | The time taken to request the Fe to commit and publish the transaction. |
loadTimeMs | Histogram | The time taken for the import to complete. |
Best Practicesβ
FlinkSQL Quickly Connects to MySQL Data via CDCβ
-- enable checkpoint
SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '10s';
CREATE TABLE cdc_mysql_source (
id int
) WITH (
'connector' = 'mysql-cdc',
'hostname' = '',
'port' = '3306',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = 'password',
'database-name' = 'database',
'table-name' = 'table'
-- Supports synchronizing insert/update/delete events
CREATE TABLE doris_sink (
id INT,
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'database.table',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = '',
'sink.properties.format' = 'json',
'sink.properties.read_json_by_line' = 'true',
'sink.enable-delete' = 'true', -- Synchronize delete events
'sink.label-prefix' = 'doris_label'
insert into doris_sink select id,name from cdc_mysql_source;
Flink Performs Partial Column Updatesβ
CREATE TABLE doris_sink (
id INT,
name STRING,
bank STRING,
age int
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'database.table',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = '',
'sink.properties.format' = 'json',
'sink.properties.read_json_by_line' = 'true',
'sink.properties.columns' = 'id,name,bank,age', -- Columns that need to be updated
'sink.properties.partial_columns' = 'true' -- Enable partial column updates
Flink Imports Bitmap Dataβ
CREATE TABLE bitmap_sink (
dt int,
page string,
user_id int
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'test.bitmap_test',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = '',
'sink.label-prefix' = 'doris_label',
'sink.properties.columns' = 'dt,page,user_id,user_id=to_bitmap(user_id)'
FlinkCDC Updates Key Columnsβ
Generally, in a business database, a number is often used as the primary key of a table. For example, for the Student table, the number (id) is used as the primary key. However, as the business develops, the number corresponding to the data may change. In this scenario, when using Flink CDC + Doris Connector to synchronize data, the data of the primary key column in Doris can be automatically updated.
The underlying collection tool of Flink CDC is Debezium. Debezium internally uses the op field to identify corresponding operations. The values of the op field are c, u, d, and r, corresponding to create, update, delete, and read respectively. For the update of the primary key column, Flink CDC will send DELETE and INSERT events downstream, and the data of the primary key column in Doris will be automatically updated after the data is synchronized to Doris.
The Flink program can refer to the above CDC synchronization examples. After successfully submitting the task, execute the statement to update the primary key column on the MySQL side (for example, update student set id = '1002' where id = '1001'), and then the data in Doris can be modified.
Flink Deletes Data According to Specified Columnsβ
Generally, messages in Kafka use specific fields to mark the operation type, such as {"op_type":"delete",data:{...}}. For this kind of data, it is hoped to delete the data with op_type=delete.
The DorisSink will, by default, distinguish the types of events according to RowKind. Usually, in the case of CDC, the event type can be directly obtained, and the hidden column __DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__
can be assigned a value to achieve the purpose of deletion. However, for Kafka, it is necessary to judge according to the business logic and explicitly pass in the value of the hidden column.
-- For example, the upstream data:{"op_type":"delete",data:{"id":1,"name":"zhangsan"}}
data STRING,
op_type STRING
) WITH (
'connector' = 'kafka',
id INT,
name STRING,
) WITH (
'connector' = 'doris',
'fenodes' = '',
'table.identifier' = 'db.table',
'username' = 'root',
'password' = '',
'sink.enable-delete' = 'false', -- false means not to obtain the event type from RowKind
'sink.properties.columns' = 'id, name, __DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__' -- Explicitly specify the import columns of streamload
SELECT json_value(data,'$.id') as id,
json_value(data,'$.name') as name,
if(op_type='delete',1,0) as __DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)β
errCode = 2, detailMessage = Label [label_0_1] has already been used, relate to txn [19650]
In the Exactly-Once scenario, the Flink Job must be restarted from the latest Checkpoint/Savepoint, otherwise the above error will be reported. When Exactly-Once is not required, this problem can also be solved by disabling 2PC submission (sink.enable-2pc=false) or changing to a different sink.label-prefix.
errCode = 2, detailMessage = transaction [19650] not found
This occurs during the Commit stage. The transaction ID recorded in the checkpoint has expired on the FE side. When committing again at this time, the above error will occur. At this point, it's impossible to start from the checkpoint. Subsequently, you can extend the expiration time by modifying the
configuration infe.conf
. The default expiration time is 12 hours. After doris version 2.0, it will also be limited by thelabel_num_threshold
configuration infe.conf
(default 2000), which can be increased or changed to -1 (-1 means only limited by time). -
errCode = 2, detailMessage = current running txns on db 10006 is 100, larger than limit 100
This is because the concurrent imports into the same database exceed 100. It can be solved by adjusting the parameter
. For specific details, please refer to max_running_txn_num_per_db.Meanwhile, frequently modifying the label and restarting a task may also lead to this error. In the 2pc scenario (for Duplicate/Aggregate models), the label of each task needs to be unique. And when restarting from a checkpoint, the Flink task will actively abort the transactions that have been pre-committed successfully but not yet committed. Frequent label modifications and restarts will result in a large number of pre-committed successful transactions that cannot be aborted and thus occupy transactions. In the Unique model, 2pc can also be disabled to achieve idempotent writes.
tablet writer write failed, tablet_id=190958, txn_id=3505530, err=-235
This usually occurs before Connector version 1.1.0 and is caused by too high a writing frequency, which leads to an excessive number of versions. You can reduce the frequency of Streamload by setting the
parameters. After Connector version 1.1.0, the default writing timing is controlled by Checkpoint, and you can reduce the writing frequency by increasing the Checkpoint interval. -
How to skip dirty data when Flink is importing?
When Flink imports data, if there is dirty data, such as issues with field formats or lengths, it will cause StreamLoad to report errors. At this time, Flink will keep retrying. If you need to skip such data, you can disable the strict mode of StreamLoad (by setting
) or filter the data before the Sink operator. -
How to configure when the network between Flink machines and BE machines is not connected?
When Flink initiates writing to Doris, Doris will redirect the write operation to BE. At this time, the returned address is the internal network IP of BE, which is the IP seen through the
show backends
command. If Flink and Doris have no network connectivity at this time, an error will be reported. In this case, you can configure the external network IP of BE inbenodes