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Hudi Catalog

Hudi Catalog reuses the Hive Catalog. By connecting to the Hive Metastore, or a metadata service compatible with the Hive Metastore, Doris can automatically obtain Hudi's database and table information and perform data queries.

Quick start with Apache Doris and Apache Hudi.

Applicable Scenarios​

Query AccelerationUse Doris's distributed computing engine to directly access Hudi data for query acceleration.
Data IntegrationRead Hudi data and write it into Doris internal tables, or perform ZeroETL operations using the Doris computing engine.
Data Write-backNot supported.

Configuring Catalog​


'type' = 'hms', -- required
'hive.metastore.uris' = '<metastore_thrift_url>', -- required
  • {MetaStoreProperties}

    The MetaStoreProperties section is used to fill in the connection and authentication information for the Metastore metadata service. See the section [Supported Metadata Services] for details.

  • {StorageProperties}

    The StorageProperties section is used to fill in the connection and authentication information related to the storage system. See the section [Supported Storage Systems] for details.

  • {CommonProperties}

    The CommonProperties section is used to fill in common properties. Please refer to the Data Catalog Overview section on [Common Properties].

  • {HudiProperties}

    Parameter NameFormer NameDescriptionDefault Value
    hudi.use_hive_sync_partitionuse_hive_sync_partitionWhether to use the partition information already synchronized by Hive Metastore. If true, partition information will be obtained directly from Hive Metastore. Otherwise, it will be obtained from the metadata file of the file system. Obtaining information from Hive Metastore is more efficient, but users need to ensure that the latest metadata has been synchronized to Hive Metastore.false

Supported Hudi Versions​

The current dependent Hudi version is 0.15. It is recommended to access Hudi data version 0.14 and above.

Supported Query Types​

Table TypeSupported Query Types
Copy On WriteSnapshot Query, Time Travel, Incremental Read
Merge On ReadSnapshot Queries, Read Optimized Queries, Time Travel, Incremental Read

Supported Metadata Services​

Supported Storage Systems​

Supported Data Formats​

Column Type Mapping​

Hudi TypeDoris TypeComment
decimal(P, S)decimal(P, S)
timestampdatetime(N)Automatically maps to datetime(3) or datetime(6) based on precision


The creation of a Hudi Catalog is similar to a Hive Catalog. For more examples, please refer to Hive Catalog.

'hive.metastore.uris' = 'thrift://',
'hadoop.username' = 'hive',

Query Operations​

Basic Query​

Once the Catalog is configured, you can query the tables within the Catalog using the following method:

-- 1. switch to catalog, use database and query
SWITCH hudi_ctl;
USE hudi_db;
SELECT * FROM hudi_tbl LIMIT 10;

-- 2. use hudi database directly
USE hudi_ctl.hudi_db;
SELECT * FROM hudi_tbl LIMIT 10;

-- 3. use full qualified name to query
SELECT * FROM hudi_ctl.hudi_db.hudi_tbl LIMIT 10;

Time Travel​

Every write operation to a Hudi table creates a new snapshot. Doris supports reading a specified snapshot of a Hudi table. By default, query requests only read the latest snapshot.

You can query the timeline of a specified Hudi table using the hudi_meta() table function:

SELECT * FROM hudi_meta(
'table' = 'hudi_ctl.hudi_db.hudi_tbl',
'query_type' = 'timeline'

| timestamp | action | file_name | state | state_transition_time |
| 20241202171214902 | commit | 20241202171214902.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171215756 |
| 20241202171217258 | commit | 20241202171217258.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171218127 |
| 20241202171219557 | commit | 20241202171219557.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171220308 |
| 20241202171221769 | commit | 20241202171221769.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171222541 |
| 20241202171224269 | commit | 20241202171224269.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171224995 |
| 20241202171226401 | commit | 20241202171226401.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171227155 |
| 20241202171228827 | commit | 20241202171228827.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171229570 |
| 20241202171230907 | commit | 20241202171230907.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171231686 |
| 20241202171233356 | commit | 20241202171233356.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171234288 |
| 20241202171235940 | commit | 20241202171235940.commit | COMPLETED | 20241202171236757 |

You can use the FOR TIME AS OF statement to read historical versions of data based on the snapshot's timestamp. The time format is consistent with the Hudi documentation. Here are some examples:

SELECT * FROM hudi_tbl FOR TIME AS OF "2022-10-07 17:20:37";
SELECT * FROM hudi_tbl FOR TIME AS OF "20221007172037";
SELECT * FROM hudi_tbl FOR TIME AS OF "2022-10-07";

Note that Hudi tables do not support the FOR VERSION AS OF statement. Attempting to use this syntax with a Hudi table will result in an error.

Incremental Query​

Incremental Read allows querying data changes within a specified time range, returning the final state of the data at the end of that period.

Doris provides the @incr syntax to support Incremental Read:

SELECT * from hudi_table@incr('beginTime'='xxx', ['endTime'='xxx'], [''='FAIL'], ...);
  • beginTime

    Required. The time format must be consistent with the Hudi official hudi_table_changes, supporting "earliest".

  • endTime

    Optional, defaults to the latest commitTime.

You can add more options in the @incr function, compatible with Spark Read Options.

By using desc to view the execution plan, you can see that Doris converts @incr into predicates pushed down to VHUDI_SCAN_NODE:

|   0:VHUDI_SCAN_NODE(113)                                                                                            |
| table: lineitem_mor |
| predicates: (_hoodie_commit_time[#0] >= '20240311151019723'), (_hoodie_commit_time[#0] <= '20240311151606605') |
| inputSplitNum=1, totalFileSize=13099711, scanRanges=1


  1. Query blocked when using Java SKD to read incremental data through JNI

    Please add -Djol.skipHotspotSAAttach=true to JAVA_OPTS_FOR_JDK_17 or JAVA_OPTS in be.conf.


Change Log​

Doris VersionFeature Support
2.1.8/3.0.4Hudi dependency upgraded to 0.15. Added Hadoop Hudi JNI Scanner.