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Huawei OBS

Huawei Cloud OBS Access Parameters​

This document introduces the parameters required to access Huawei Cloud OBS, applicable to the following scenarios:

  • Catalog properties
  • Table Valued Function properties
  • Broker Load properties
  • Export properties
  • Outfile properties

Doris uses the S3 Client to access Huawei Cloud OBS through the S3 compatible protocol.

Parameter Overview​

Property NameFormer NameDescriptionDefaultRequired
s3.endpointobs.endpointOBS endpoint, specifies the access endpoint of Huawei Cloud OBSYes
s3.regionobs.regionOBS region, specifies the region of Huawei Cloud OBSNo
s3.access_keyobs.access_keyOBS access key, the access key for authenticationYes
s3.secret_keyobs.secret_keyOBS secret key, the secret key used with the access keyYes
s3.connection.maximumMaximum number of S3 connections, specifies the maximum number of connections established with the OBS service50No
s3.connection.request.timeoutS3 request timeout in milliseconds, specifies the request timeout when connecting to the OBS service3000No
s3.connection.timeoutS3 connection timeout in milliseconds, specifies the timeout when establishing a connection with the OBS service1000No

Authentication Configuration​

When accessing Huawei Cloud OBS, you need to provide Huawei Cloud's Access Key and Secret Key, which are the following parameters:

  • s3.access_key (or obs.access_key)
  • s3.secret_key (or obs.secret_key)

These two parameters are used for authentication to ensure access permissions to Huawei Cloud OBS.

Configuration Example​

"s3.access_key" = "ak",
"s3.secret_key" = "sk",
"s3.endpoint" = ""
"s3.region" = "cn-north-4"