Tencent COS
Tencent Cloud COS Access Parametersβ
This document introduces the parameters required to access Tencent Cloud COS, applicable to the following scenarios:
- Catalog properties
- Table Valued Function properties
- Broker Load properties
- Export properties
- Outfile properties
Doris uses the S3 Client to access Tencent Cloud COS through the S3 compatible protocol.
Parameter Overviewβ
Property Name | Former Name | Description | Default Value | Required |
s3.endpoint | cos.endpoint | COS endpoint, specifies the access endpoint of Tencent Cloud COS | Yes | |
s3.region | cos.region | COS region, specifies the region of Tencent Cloud COS | No | |
s3.access_key | cos.access_key | COS access key, the access key for authentication | Yes | |
s3.secret_key | cos.secret_key | COS secret key, the secret key used with the access key | Yes | |
s3.connection.maximum | Maximum S3 connections, specifies the maximum number of connections to the COS service | 50 | No | |
s3.connection.request.timeout | S3 request timeout, in milliseconds, specifies the request timeout when connecting to the COS service | 3000 | No | |
s3.connection.timeout | S3 connection timeout, in milliseconds, specifies the timeout when establishing a connection to the COS service | 1000 | No | |
s3.sts_endpoint | Not supported yet | No | ||
s3.sts_region | Not supported yet | No | ||
s3.iam_role | Not supported yet | No | ||
s3.external_id | Not supported yet | No |
Authentication Configurationβ
When accessing Tencent Cloud COS, you need to provide Tencent Cloud's Access Key and Secret Key, which are the following parameters:
Example Configurationβ
"cos.access_key" = "ak",
"cos.secret_key" = "sk",
"cos.endpoint" = "cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com",
"cos.region" = "ap-beijing"