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Used for right shift operations, usually used to shift all bits of a binary number to the right by a specified number of bits. This operation is usually used to process binary data, or for some mathematical calculations (such as efficient implementation of division).

The result of logically shifting -1 right by one position is BIGINT_MAX(9223372036854775807).

Shifting a number right by a negative amount always results in a result of 0.


BIT_SHIFT_RIGHT( <x>, <bits>)


<x>The number to be shifted
<bits>The number of bits to shift right. It is an integer that determines how many bits <x> will be shifted right.

Return Value

Returns an integer representing the result of a right shift operation.


select BIT_SHIFT_RIGHT(1024,3), BIT_SHIFT_RIGHT(-1,1), BIT_SHIFT_RIGHT(100, -1);
| bit_shift_right(1024, 3) | bit_shift_right(-1, 1) | bit_shift_right(100, -1) |
| 128 | 9223372036854775807 | 0 |