Generate a json object containing the specified Key-Value, an exception error is returned when Key is NULL or the number of parameters are odd.
JSON_OBJECT (<key>, <value>[,<key>, <value>, ...])
Parameter | Description |
<key> | The Key value in the Key-Value of the generated json object. |
<value> | The Value value in the Key-Value of the generated json object. |
Return Values
Return a json object. Special cases are as follows:
- If no parameters are passed, return an empty json object.
- If the number of parameters passed is odd, return an exception error.
- If the passed Key is NULL, return an exception error.
- If the passed Value is NULL, the Value value of the Key-Value pair in the returned json object is NULL.
select json_object();
| json_object() |
| {} |
select json_object('time',curtime());
| json_object('time', curtime()) |
| {"time": "10:49:18"} |
SELECT json_object('id', 87, 'name', 'carrot');
| json_object('id', 87, 'name', 'carrot') |
| {"id": 87, "name": "carrot"} |
select json_object('username',null);
| json_object('username', 'NULL') |
| {"username": NULL} |
select json_object(null,null);
ERROR 1105 (HY000): errCode = 2, detailMessage = json_object key can't be NULL: json_object(NULL)