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The SUBSTRING_INDEX function is used to extract a substring from a string based on a specified delimiter and occurrence count. This function supports counting from either left or right.


SUBSTRING_INDEX(<content>, <delimiter>, <field>)


<content>The string to be extracted from. Type: VARCHAR
<delimiter>The delimiter string, case-sensitive and multi-byte safe. Type: VARCHAR
<field>Number of delimiter occurrences. Positive numbers count from left, negative numbers count from right. Type: INT

Note: The delimiter and field parameters must be constants, variables are not supported.

Return Value

Returns VARCHAR type, representing the extracted substring.

Special cases:

  • If field > 0, returns the substring before the field-th delimiter from the left
  • If field < 0, returns the substring after the |field|-th delimiter from the right
  • If field = 0, returns empty string when content is not NULL, returns NULL when content is NULL
  • If any parameter is NULL, returns NULL


  1. Extract content before the first space from the left
SELECT substring_index('hello world', ' ', 1);
| substring_index('hello world', ' ', 1) |
| hello |
  1. Extract all content from the left (delimiter count greater than actual occurrences)
SELECT substring_index('hello world', ' ', 2);
| substring_index('hello world', ' ', 2) |
| hello world |
  1. Extract content after the last space from the right
SELECT substring_index('hello world', ' ', -1);
| substring_index('hello world', ' ', -1) |
| world |
  1. Case when field is 0
SELECT substring_index('hello world', ' ', 0);
| substring_index('hello world', ' ', 0) |
| |