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Table function, generating a temporary task table, which can view job information in a certain task type.



Required Parameters

<type>The type of the job:
insert: Insert into type job.
mv: Materialized view job.

Return Value

  • jobs("type"="insert") Job return value of type insert

    IdJob ID
    NameJob name
    DefinerJob definer
    ExecuteTypeExecution type
    RecurringStrategyRecurring strategy
    StatusJob status
    ExecuteSqlExecution SQL
    CreateTimeJob creation time
    SucceedTaskCountNumber of successful tasks
    FailedTaskCountNumber of failed tasks
    CanceledTaskCountNumber of canceled tasks
    CommentJob comment
  • jobs("type"="mv") MV type job return value

    Idjob ID
    Namejob name
    MvIdMaterialized View ID
    MvNameMaterialized View Name
    MvDatabaseIdDB ID of the materialized view
    MvDatabaseNameName of the database to which the materialized view belongs
    ExecuteTypeExecution type
    RecurringStrategyLoop strategy
    StatusJob status
    CreateTimeTask creation time


View jobs in all materialized views

select * from jobs("type"="mv");
| Id | Name | MvId | MvName | MvDatabaseId | MvDatabaseName | ExecuteType | RecurringStrategy | Status | CreateTime |
| 23369 | inner_mtmv_23363 | 23363 | range_date_up_union_mv1 | 21805 | regression_test_nereids_rules_p0_mv_create_part_and_up | MANUAL | MANUAL TRIGGER | RUNNING | 2025-01-08 18:19:10 |
| 23377 | inner_mtmv_23371 | 23371 | range_date_up_union_mv2 | 21805 | regression_test_nereids_rules_p0_mv_create_part_and_up | MANUAL | MANUAL TRIGGER | RUNNING | 2025-01-08 18:19:10 |
| 21794 | inner_mtmv_21788 | 21788 | test_tablet_type_mtmv_mv | 16016 | zd | MANUAL | MANUAL TRIGGER | RUNNING | 2025-01-08 12:26:06 |
| 19508 | inner_mtmv_19494 | 19494 | mv1 | 16016 | zd | MANUAL | MANUAL TRIGGER | RUNNING | 2025-01-07 22:13:31 |

View all insert jobs

select * from jobs("type"="insert");
| Id | Name | Definer | ExecuteType | RecurringStrategy | Status | ExecuteSql | CreateTime | SucceedTaskCount | FailedTaskCount | CanceledTaskCount | Comment |
| 78533940810334 | insert_tab_job | root | RECURRING | EVERY 10 MINUTE STARTS 2025-01-17 14:42:53 | RUNNING | INSERT INTO test.insert_tab SELECT * FROM test.example_table | 2025-01-17 14:32:53 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |