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LAG() is a window function that accesses data from previous rows without performing a self-join. It retrieves values from a row that is N rows before the current row within a partition.


LAG ( <expr> [, <offset> [, <default> ] ] )


exprThe expression whose value is to be retrieved
offsetOptional. Number of rows to look backward. Default is 1. When negative, behaves like LEAD function
defaultOptional. Value to return when the offset goes beyond window bounds. Default is NULL

Return Value

Returns the same data type as the input expression.


Calculate the difference between each salesperson's current sales amount and the previous day's sales amount:

select stock_symbol, closing_date, closing_price,    
lag(closing_price,1, 0) over (partition by stock_symbol order by closing_date) as "yesterday closing"
from stock_ticker
order by closing_date;
| stock_symbol | closing_date | closing_price | yesterday closing |
| ------------ | ------------------- | ------------- | ----------------- |
| JDR | 2014-09-13 00:00:00 | 12.86 | 0 |
| JDR | 2014-09-14 00:00:00 | 12.89 | 12.86 |
| JDR | 2014-09-15 00:00:00 | 12.94 | 12.89 |
| JDR | 2014-09-16 00:00:00 | 12.55 | 12.94 |
| JDR | 2014-09-17 00:00:00 | 14.03 | 12.55 |
| JDR | 2014-09-18 00:00:00 | 14.75 | 14.03 |
| JDR | 2014-09-19 00:00:00 | 13.98 | 14.75 |