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This statement is used to display the execution of the specified export task


[FROM db_name]
[LIMIT limit];

illustrate: 1. If db_name is not specified, the current default db is used 2. If STATE is specified, matches EXPORT state 3. You can use ORDER BY to sort any combination of columns 4. If LIMIT is specified, limit matching records are displayed. Otherwise show all

The meaning of each column in the result returned by the show export command is as follows:

  • JobId: The unique ID of the job
  • Label: The label of the export job. If not specified in the export, the system will generate one by default.
  • State: Job status:
    • PENDING: Job pending scheduling
    • EXPORTING: Data export in progress
    • FINISHED: Job successful
    • CANCELLED: Job failed
  • Progress: Job progress. This progress is based on query plans. For example, if there are a total of 10 threads and 3 have been completed, the progress is 30%.
  • TaskInfo: Job information displayed in JSON format:
    • db: Database name
    • tbl: Table name
    • partitions: Specified partitions for export. An empty list indicates all partitions.
    • column_separator: Column separator for the export file.
    • line_delimiter: Line delimiter for the export file.
    • tablet num: Total number of tablets involved.
    • broker: Name of the broker used.
    • coord num: Number of query plans.
    • max_file_size: Maximum size of an export file.
    • delete_existing_files: Whether to delete existing files and directories in the export directory.
    • columns: Specified column names to export, empty value represents exporting all columns.
    • format: File format for export
  • Path: Export path on the remote storage.
  • CreateTime/StartTime/FinishTime: Job creation time, scheduling start time, and end time.
  • Timeout: Job timeout time in seconds. This time is calculated from CreateTime.
  • ErrorMsg: If there is an error in the job, the error reason will be displayed here.
  • OutfileInfo: If the job is successfully exported, specific SELECT INTO OUTFILE result information will be displayed here.


  1. Show all export tasks of default db

  2. Display the export tasks of the specified db, sorted by StartTime in descending order

     SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db ORDER BY StartTime DESC;
  3. Display the export tasks of the specified db, the state is "exporting", and sort by StartTime in descending order

    SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db WHERE STATE = "exporting" ORDER BY StartTime DESC;
  4. Display the export task of the specified db and specified job_id

      SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db WHERE ID = job_id;
  5. Display the specified db and specify the export task of the label

     SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db WHERE LABEL = "mylabel";



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