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This statement is used to view user permissions.


SHOW [ALL] GRANTS [FOR <user_identity>];

Optional Parameters

1. [ALL]

Whether to view the permissions of all users.

2. <user_identity>

Specify the user whose permissions are to be viewed. The user_identity must be created by the CREATE USER command.

Return Value

UserIdentityUser identity
PasswordWhether the password is set
GlobalPrivsGlobal privileges
CatalogPrivsCatalog privileges
DatabasePrivsDatabase privileges
TablePrivsTable privileges
ColPrivsColumn privileges
ResourcePrivsResource privileges
WorkloadGroupPrivsWorkloadGroup privileges

Access Control Requirements

Users executing this SQL command must have at least the following privileges:

GRANT_PRIVUser or RoleUser or Role has the GRANT_PRIV privilege to view all user permissions, otherwise only the current user's permissions can be viewed

Usage Notes

  • SHOW ALL GRANTS can view all users' permissions, but requires the GRANT_PRIV permission.
  • If the user_identity is specified, the permissions of the specified user are viewed. And the user_identity must be created by the CREATE USER command.
  • If the user_identity is not specified, the permissions of the current user are viewed.


  1. View all user permission information.

    | UserIdentity | Comment | Password | Roles | GlobalPrivs | CatalogPrivs | DatabasePrivs | TablePrivs | ColPrivs | ResourcePrivs | WorkloadGroupPrivs |
    | 'root'@'%' | ROOT | No | operator | Node_priv,Admin_priv | NULL | internal.information_schema: Select_priv; internal.mysql: Select_priv | NULL | NULL | NULL | normal: Usage_priv |
    | 'admin'@'%' | ADMIN | No | admin | Admin_priv | NULL | internal.information_schema: Select_priv; internal.mysql: Select_priv | NULL | NULL | NULL | normal: Usage_priv |
    | 'jack'@'%' | | No | | NULL | NULL | internal.information_schema: Select_priv; internal.mysql: Select_priv | NULL | NULL | NULL | normal: Usage_priv |
  2. View the permissions of the specified user

    SHOW GRANTS FOR jack@'%';
    | UserIdentity | Comment | Password | Roles | GlobalPrivs | CatalogPrivs | DatabasePrivs | TablePrivs | ColPrivs | ResourcePrivs | WorkloadGroupPrivs |
    | 'jack'@'%' | | No | | NULL | NULL | internal.information_schema: Select_priv; internal.mysql: Select_priv | NULL | NULL | NULL | normal: Usage_priv |
  3. View the permissions of the current user

    | UserIdentity | Comment | Password | Roles | GlobalPrivs | CatalogPrivs | DatabasePrivs | TablePrivs | ColPrivs | ResourcePrivs | WorkloadGroupPrivs |
    | 'root'@'%' | ROOT | No | operator | Node_priv,Admin_priv | NULL | internal.information_schema: Select_priv; internal.mysql: Select_priv | NULL | NULL | NULL | normal: Usage_priv |