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This statement is used to safely decommission a BE node from the cluster. This operation is asynchronous.


ALTER SYSTEM DECOMMISSION BACKEND "<be_identifier>" [, "<be_identifier>" ... ]


: "<be_host>:<be_heartbeat_port>"
| "<backend_id>"

Required Parameters

1. <be_host>

It can be the hostname or IP address of the BE node.

2. <heartbeat_port>

The heartbeat port of the BE node, the default is 9050.

3. <backend_id>

The ID of the BE node.


<be_host>, <be_heartbeat_port>, and <backend_id> can all be obtained by querying with the SHOW BACKENDS statement.

Access Control Requirements

The user who executes this SQL must have at least the following permissions:


Usage Notes

  1. After executing this command, you can use the SHOW BACKENDS statement to view the decommissioning status (the value of the SystemDecommissioned column is true) and the decommissioning progress (the value of the TabletNum column will slowly drop to 0).
  2. Under normal circumstances, after the value of the TabletNum column drops to 0, this BE node will be deleted. If you do not want Doris to automatically delete the BE, you can change the configuration drop_backend_after_decommission of the FE Master to false.
  3. If the current BE stores a relatively large amount of data, the DECOMMISSION operation may last for several hours or even days.
  4. If the progress of the DECOMMISSION operation gets stuck, specifically, the TabletNum column in the SHOW BACKENDS statement remains fixed at a certain value, it may be due to the following situations:
    • There is no suitable other BE to migrate the tablets on the current BE. For example, in a 3-node cluster with a table having 3 replicas, if one of the nodes is to be decommissioned, this node cannot find other BEs to migrate the data (the other two BEs already have one replica each).
    • The tablets on the current BE are still in the Recycle Bin. You can empty the recycle bin and then wait for decommission.
    • The tablet on the current BE is too large, causing the migration of a single tablet to always timeout and unable to migrate this tablet away. You can adjust the configuration max_clone_task_timeout_sec of the FE Master to a larger value (the default is 7200 seconds).
    • There are unfinished transactions on the tablets of the current BE. You can wait for the transactions to complete or manually abort the transactions.
    • In other cases, you can filter the keyword replicas to decommission in the logs of the FE Master to find the abnormal tablet, use the SHOW TABLET statement to find the table to which this tablet belongs, then create a new table, migrate the data from the old table to the new table, and finally use the DROP TABLE FORCE to delete the old table.


  1. Safely decommission two nodes from the cluster according to the Host and HeartbeatPort of the BE.

  2. Safely decommission a node from the cluster according to the ID of the BE.