This statement is used to display the execution status of a specified export job.
[ FROM <db_name> ]
[ ID = <job_id> ]
[ LABEL = <label> ]
[ ORDER BY <column_name> [ ASC | DESC ] [, column_name [ ASC | DESC ] ... ] ]
[ LIMIT <limit> ];
Optional Parameters
1. <db_name>
: Optional parameter. If not specified, the current default database will be used.
2. <job_id>
: Optional parameter. Used to specify the export job ID to display.
3. <label>
: Optional parameter. Used to specify the label of the export job to display.
4. <column_name>
: Optional parameter. Used to specify the column name for sorting.
5. <limit>
: Optional parameter. If specified, only the specified number of matching records will be displayed; if not specified, all records will be displayed.
Return Value
Column | DataType | Note |
JobId | string | Unique ID of the job |
Label | string | The label of the export job. If not specified, the system will generate one by default. |
State | string | Job status: - PENDING : Job waiting for scheduling - EXPORTING : Data exporting - FINISHED : Job successful - CANCELLED : Job failed |
Progress | string | Job progress. This progress is measured in query plan units. For example, if there are 10 threads and 3 are completed, the progress is 30%. |
TaskInfo | json | Job information displayed in JSON format: - db: Database name - tbl: Table name - partitions: Specified partitions for export, empty list means all partitions - column_separator: Column delimiter for the exported file - line_delimiter: Line delimiter for the exported file - tablet num: Total number of involved tablets - broker: Name of the broker used - coord num: Number of query plans - max_file_size: Maximum size of an exported file - delete_existing_files: Whether to delete existing files and directories in the export directory - columns: Columns to export, empty value means export all columns - format: File format of the export |
Path | string | Export path on remote storage |
CreateTime | string | Job creation time |
StartTime | string | Job start time |
FinishTime | string | Job finish time |
Timeout | int | Job timeout (in seconds). The time is calculated from CreateTime. |
ErrorMsg | string | If the job encounters an error, the error reason will be displayed here. |
OutfileInfo | string | If the export job is successful, the specific SELECT INTO OUTFILE result information will be displayed here. |
Access Control Requirements
The user executing this SQL command must have at least the following privileges:
Privilege | Object | Notes |
SELECT_PRIV | Database (Database) | Requires read access to the database and table. |
Display all export jobs for the default db
Display export jobs for a specified db, ordered by StartTime in descending order
Display export jobs for a specified db where the state is "exporting", ordered by StartTime in descending order
SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db WHERE STATE = "exporting" ORDER BY StartTime DESC;
Display export job for a specified db and job_id
SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db WHERE ID = job_id;
Display export job for a specified db and label
SHOW EXPORT FROM example_db WHERE LABEL = "mylabel";