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Cancel a running task created by the CREATE JOB statement.

  • The task must be created by the CREATE JOB statement.
  • It must be a running task.
  • This function is supported from version 2.1.0.


CANCEL TASK WHERE jobName = '<job_name>' AND taskId = '<task_id>';

Required Parameters


The name of the job, of type string.


The task ID, of integer type. It can be queried through the tasks table-valued function. For example: SELECT * FROM tasks('type'='insert'). For more information, please refer to "task table-valued function".

Access Control Requirements

The user executing this SQL command must have at least ADMIN_PRIV privileges.


Cancel a background task with jobName 'example' and taskId 378912.

CANCEL TASK WHERE jobName='example' AND taskId=378912