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This statement creates a custom key.


CREATE ENCRYPTKEY <key_name> AS "<key_string>"

Required Parameters

1. <key_name>

Specifies the name of the key to be created, which may include a database identifier.
Example: db1.my_key

2. <key_string>

Defines the key material string for cryptographic operations.

Behavior Notes:

  • When the <key_name> contains a database identifier, the key will be created in the specified database
  • If no database is specified in <key_name>, the current session's database will be used
  • Key creation will fail if duplicate key names exist in the target database

Access Control Requirements

The user executing this SQL command must have at least the following privileges:

ADMIN_PRIVUser / RoleMust hold the ADMIN_PRIV privilege on the target user or role to create custom keys


  • Create a custom key

    CREATE ENCRYPTKEY my_key AS "ABCD123456789";
  • Create a custom key in the testdb database

    CREATE ENCRYPTKEY testdb.test_key AS "ABCD123456789";
  • Use a custom key to encrypt data


    When using custom keys, you must prefix the key name with KEY/key followed by a space.

    SELECT HEX(AES_ENCRYPT("Doris is Great", KEY my_key));
    | hex(aes_encrypt('Doris is Great', key my_key)) |
    | D26DB38579D6A343350EDDC6F2AD47C6 |
  • Use a custom key to decrypt data

    SELECT AES_DECRYPT(UNHEX('D26DB38579D6A343350EDDC6F2AD47C6'), KEY my_key);
    +------------------------------------------------- -------------------+
    | aes_decrypt(unhex('D26DB38579D6A343350EDDC6F2AD47C6'), key my_key) |
    +------------------------------------------------- -------------------+
    | Doris is Great |
    +------------------------------------------------- -------------------+