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This statement is used to display Doris system variables, which can be queried by conditions


SHOW [<effective_scope>] VARIABLES [<like_pattern> | <where>]

Optional Parameters

1. <effective_scope>

Effective scope is one of GLOBAL or SESSION or LOCAL. If there is no effective scope, default value is SESSION. LOCAL is an alias of SESSION.

2. <like_pattern>

Use like statement to match and filter result

3. <where>

Use where statement to match and filter result

Access Control Requirements

Users executing this SQL command must have at least the following privileges:

Any_PRIVSessionAny privilege can show variables

Return Value

variable name1value1default value10/1
variable name2value2default value20/1

Usage Notes

  • Show variables is mainly used to view the values of system variables.
  • Executing the SHOW VARIABLES command does not require any privileges, it only requires being able to connect to the server.
  • The column Changed from Return Value, 0 means no changed and 1 means changed.
  • There are some restrictions when using the SHOW statement:
    • Can not use or in where clause
    • Column names are on the left
    • Only supports equivalent comparisons in where clause
    • Use the like statement to match with variable_name.
    • The % percent wildcard can be used anywhere in the matching pattern


  • The default here is to match the Variable_name, here is the exact match

    show variables like 'max_connections';
  • Matching through the percent sign (%) wildcard can match multiple items

    show variables like '%connec%';
  • Use the Where clause for matching queries

    show variables where variable_name = 'version';