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The SHOW DATA statement is used to display information about data volume, replica count, and row statistics. This statement has the following functionalities:

  • It can display the data volume and replica count for all tables in the current database.
  • It can show the data volume, replica count, and row statistics for a specified table's materialized views.
  • It can display the quota usage of the database.
  • It supports sorting by data volume, replica count, etc.


SHOW DATA [ FROM [<db_name>.]<table_name> ] [ ORDER BY <order_by_clause> ];


<column_name> [ ASC | DESC ] [ , <column_name> [ ASC | DESC ] ... ]

Optional Parameters

1. FROM [<db_name>.]<table_name>

Specifies the name of the table to view. The database name can be included.

If this parameter is not specified, it will display data information for all tables in the current database.

2. ORDER BY <order_by_clause>

Specifies the sorting method for the result set.

Any column can be sorted in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.

Supports multi-column combination sorting.

Return Values

Depending on different query scenarios, the following result sets are returned:

  • When the FROM clause is not specified (displaying database-level information):
Column NameDescription
DbIdDatabase ID
DbNameDatabase name
SizeTotal data volume of the database
RemoteSizeRemote storage data volume
RecycleSizeRecycle bin data volume
RecycleRemoteSizeRecycle bin remote storage volume
  • When the FROM clause is specified (displaying table-level information):
Column NameDescription
TableNameTable name
IndexNameIndex (materialized view) name
SizeData size
ReplicaCountReplica count
RowCountRow statistics (shown only when viewing a specific table)

Access Control Requirements

Users executing this SQL command must have at least the following permissions:

SELECTTableSELECT permission is required for viewing the table.

Usage Notes

  • The data volume statistics include the total data volume of all replicas.
  • The replica count includes all partitions and replicas of all materialized views for the table.
  • When counting rows, it considers the maximum row count among multiple replicas.
  • The Total row in the result set indicates aggregated data.
  • The Quota row in the result set indicates the current quota set for the database.
  • The Left row in the result set indicates remaining quota.
  • If you need to view the size of each partition, use the SHOW PARTITIONS command.


  • Display data volume information for all databases:

    | DbId | DbName | Size | RemoteSize | RecycleSize | RecycleRemoteSize |
    | 21009 | db1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | 22011 | regression_test_inverted_index_p0 | 72764 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
    | Total | NULL | 118946 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
  • Display data volume information for all tables in the current database:

    USE db1;
    | TableName | Size | ReplicaCount |
    | tbl1 | 900.000 B | 6 |
    | tbl2 | 500.000 B | 3 |
    | Total | 1.400 KB | 9 |
    | Quota | 1024.000 GB | 1073741824 |
    | Left | 1021.921 GB | 1073741815 |
  • Display detailed data volume information for a specified table:

    SHOW DATA FROM example_db.test;
    | TableName | IndexName | Size | ReplicaCount | RowCount |
    | test | r1 | 10.000MB | 30 | 10000 |
    | | r2 | 20.000MB | 30 | 20000 |
    | | test2 | 50.000MB | 30 | 50000 |
    | | Total | 80.000MB | 90 | |
  • Sort by replica count in descending order and by data volume in ascending order:

    SHOW DATA ORDER BY ReplicaCount DESC, Size ASC;
    | TableName | Size | ReplicaCount |
    | table_c | 3.102 KB | 40 |
    | table_d | .000 | 20 |
    | table_b |=324.000 B |=20 |
    |=table_a |=1.266 KB |=10 |
    |=Total |=4.684 KB |=90 |
    |=Quota |=1024.000 GB |=1073741824 |
    |=Left |=1024.000 GB |=1073741734 |