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This statement is used to display the status of all dynamic partition tables in the current database.



Required Parameters

1. <db_name>

pecify the DB name to display the status of dynamic partition tables. If not specified, the status of all dynamic partition tables in the current DB will be displayed by default.

Return Value

TableNamevarcharThe name of the table in the current DB or the specified DB.
EnablevarcharWhether the dynamic partition property of the table is enabled
TimeUnitvarcharThe partition granularity of the dynamic partition table, including HOUR, DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR.
StartvarcharThe starting offset of the dynamic partition, which is a negative number. The default value is -2147483648, which means that historical partitions will not be deleted. Depending on the time_unit attribute, partitions with a range before this offset will be deleted based on the current day (week/month).
EndvarcharThe ending offset of the dynamic partition, which is a positive number. Depending on the time_unit attribute, partitions within the corresponding range are created in advance based on the current day (week/month).
PrefixvarcharThe prefix of the dynamically created partition name.
BucketsvarcharThe number of buckets corresponding to the dynamically created partition.
ReplicationNumvarcharThe number of replicas corresponding to the dynamically created partition. If not specified, it defaults to the number of replicas specified when the table was created.
ReplicaAllocationvarcharThe replica distribution strategy corresponding to the dynamically created partition. If not specified, it defaults to the replica distribution strategy specified when the table was created.
StartOfvarcharThe starting point of each partition granularity for dynamic partitioning. When time_unit is WEEK, this field represents the starting point of each week, with values ranging from MONDAY to SUNDAY. When time_unit is MONTH, it represents the starting date of each month, with values ranging from 1rd to 28rd. When time_unit is MONTH, this value defaults to NULL.
LastUpdateTimedatetimeThe last update time of the dynamic partition, which defaults to NULL.
LastSchedulerTimedatetimeThe last scheduling time of the dynamic partition.
StatevarcharThe state of the dynamic partition.
LastCreatePartitionMsgvarcharThe error message from the last execution of the dynamic partition addition scheduling.
LastDropPartitionMsgvarcharThe error message from the last execution of the dynamic partition deletion scheduling.
ReservedHistoryPeriodsvarcharThe partition range of the historical partitions retained by the dynamic partition, which indicates which historical partitions should be retained in the dynamic partition table instead of being automatically deleted.

Access Control Requirements

  1. If the parameter db_name is not specified, the status of all dynamic partition tables in the current DB will be displayed, and it is assumed that the user has the SHOW_PRIV privilege for the current DB by default.
  2. If the parameter db_name is specified, the status of all dynamic partition tables in the specified DB will be displayed, and the user needs to have the SHOW_PRIV privilege for that DB.


  1. View the status of all dynamic partition tables in the current database:
| TableName | Enable | TimeUnit | Start | End | Prefix | Buckets | StartOf | LastUpdateTime | LastSchedulerTime | State | LastCreatePartitionMsg | LastDropPartitionMsg | ReservedHistoryPeriods |
| d3 | true | WEEK | -3 | 3 | p | 1 | MONDAY | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | [2021-12-01,2021-12-31] |
| d5 | true | DAY | -7 | 3 | p | 32 | N/A | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |
| d4 | true | WEEK | -3 | 3 | p | 1 | WEDNESDAY | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |
| d6 | true | MONTH | -2147483648 | 2 | p | 8 | 3rd | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |
| d2 | true | DAY | -3 | 3 | p | 32 | N/A | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |
| d7 | true | MONTH | -2147483648 | 5 | p | 8 | 24th | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |
  1. View the status of all dynamic partition tables in the specified database:
| TableName | Enable | TimeUnit | Start | End | Prefix | Buckets | StartOf | LastUpdateTime | LastSchedulerTime | State | LastCreatePartitionMsg | LastDropPartitionMsg | ReservedHistoryPeriods |
| test1 | true | WEEK | -30 | 3 | p | 8 | MONDAY | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | [2021-12-01,2021-12-31] |
| test2 | true | DAY | -7 | 3 | p | 32 | N/A | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |
| test3 | true | WEEK | -3 | 3 | p | 1 | WEDNESDAY | N/A | 2020-05-25 14:29:24 | NORMAL | N/A | N/A | NULL |