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This statement is used to create a logical view using a specified query statement.


CREATE VIEW [IF NOT EXISTS] [<db_name>.]<view_name>
AS <query_stmt>


<column_name> [COMMENT '<comment>'] [,...]

Required Parameters

1. <view_name>

The identifier (i.e., name) of the view; it must be unique within the database where the view is created.
The identifier must start with a letter character (if Unicode name support is enabled, it can be a character in any language) and cannot contain spaces or special characters unless the entire identifier string is enclosed in backticks (e.g., My View).
The identifier cannot use reserved keywords.
For more details, see identifier requirements and reserved keywords.

2. <query_stmt>

The SELECT query statement that defines the view.

Optional Parameters

1. <db_name>

The name of the database where the view resides. If not specified, the current database is used by default.

2. <column_definition>

The column definitions of the view.
1. <column_name>
Column name.
2. <comment>
Column comment.

Access Control Requirements

CREATE_PRIVDatabaseCREATE_PRIV privilege is required on the database.
SELECT_PRIVTable, ViewSELECT_PRIV privilege is required on the tables, views, or materialized views being queried.


  • Views are logical and do not have physical storage. All queries on the view are equivalent to queries on the corresponding subquery.
  • Creating and dropping views does not affect the data in the underlying tables.


  1. Create a view example_view on example_db

    CREATE VIEW example_db.example_view (k1, k2, k3, v1)
    SELECT c1 as k1, k2, k3, SUM(v1) FROM example_table
    WHERE k1 = 20160112 GROUP BY k1,k2,k3;
  2. Create a view with column definitions

    CREATE VIEW example_db.example_view
    k1 COMMENT "first key",
    k2 COMMENT "second key",
    k3 COMMENT "third key",
    v1 COMMENT "first value"
    COMMENT "my first view"
    SELECT c1 as k1, k2, k3, SUM(v1) FROM example_table
    WHERE k1 = 20160112 GROUP BY k1,k2,k3;