


View tables and partitions associated with all/specified storage policies.


SHOW STORAGE POLICY [ USING [ FOR <storage_policy_name> ] ]

Required Parameters


The name of the storage policy to view.

The prerequisite for successfully executing this SQL command is to have ADMIN_PRIV privileges. Please refer to the privilege document.

Privilege (Privilege)Object (Object)Notes (Notes)
ADMIN_PRIVEntire cluster management privilegesAll privileges except NODE_PRIV


  1. View all objects with enabled storage policies.

    show storage policy using;
    | PolicyName | Database | Table | Partitions |
    | test_storage_policy | regression_test_cold_heat_separation_p2 | table_with_storage_policy_1 | ALL |
    | test_storage_policy | regression_test_cold_heat_separation_p2 | partition_with_multiple_storage_policy | p201701 |
    | test_storage_policy_2 | regression_test_cold_heat_separation_p2 | partition_with_multiple_storage_policy | p201702 |
    | test_storage_policy_2 | regression_test_cold_heat_separation_p2 | table_with_storage_policy_2 | ALL |
    | test_policy | db2 | db2_test_1 | ALL |
  2. View objects using the storage policy test_storage_policy.

    show storage policy using for test_storage_policy;
    | PolicyName | Database | Table | Partitions |
    | test_storage_policy | db_1 | partition_with_storage_policy_1 | p201701 |
    | test_storage_policy | db_1 | table_with_storage_policy_1 | ALL |
  3. View the properties of all storage policies.

    show storage policy;
    | PolicyName | Id | Version | Type | StorageResource | CooldownDatetime | CooldownTtl |
    | test_policy | 14589252 | 0 | STORAGE | remote_s3 | -1 | 300 |
    | dev_policy | 14589521 | 0 | STORAGE | remote_s3 | -1 | 3000 |