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Release 2.0.10

Thanks to our community users and developers, about 83 improvements and bug fixes have been made in Doris 2.0.10 version.

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Improvement and Optimizations

  • This enhancement introduces the read_only and super_read_only variables to the database system, ensuring compatibility with MySQL's read-only modes.

  • When the check status is not IO_ERROR, the disk path should not be added to the broken list. This ensures that only disks with actual I/O errors are marked as broken.

  • When performing a Create Table As Select (CTAS) operation from an external table, convert the VARCHAR column to STRING type.

  • Support mapping Paimon column type "ROW" to Doris type "STRUCT"

  • Choose disk tolerate with little skew when creating tablet

  • Write editlog to set replica drop to avoid confusing status on follower FE

  • Make the schema change memory space adaptive to avoid memory over limit

  • Inverted index 'unicode' tokenizer supports configuration to exclude stop words

See the complete list of improvements and bug fixes on GitHub .


Thanks to all who contributed to this release:

@airborne12, @BePPPower, @ByteYue, @CalvinKirs, @cambyzju, @csun5285, @dataroaring, @deardeng, @DongLiang-0, @eldenmoon, @felixwluo, @HappenLee, @hubgeter, @jackwener, @kaijchen, @kaka11chen, @Lchangliang, @liaoxin01, @LiBinfeng-01, @luennng, @morningman, @morrySnow, @Mryange, @nextdreamblue, @qidaye, @starocean999, @suxiaogang223, @SWJTU-ZhangLei, @w41ter, @xiaokang, @xy720, @yujun777, @Yukang-Lian, @zhangstar333, @zxealous, @zy-kkk, @zzzxl1993